Our Services
For Our Students
Admission Support
Our expert advisors are always happy to help a student for suggesting a suitable institute for his chosen subject. The asses the students financial and academic qualification and guide them to an affordable and quality education provider in his chosen country. Furthermore, the team takes the responsibility of the student until he gets the confirmation of study from the institute.
Scholarship help
We have a proven track of helping students to get scholarships and Funds for their higher studies. Most of the students don’t know how to prepare for an scholarship applications though they are well qualified. Our expert team helps a student to identify his key qualifications and lacks for an application and guide them to prepare the application documents. We also maintain an excellent commitment with our partner institutes to provide the best students for such categories.
Interview training & Documentation support
We provide an intensive training for the students already got acceptance from the foreign University. As most of the students are not aware of question pattern of the visa interview and also get nervous before the interview. Our experienced team is capable to guide them for successful interview. We help a student to prepare his documents according to our experience in immigration rules of his destination country.
Pre-Departure Counselling
The team of our counselors is made up with the combination of experienced and 2 foreign graduates. This combination increases our strength in guiding our students once he gets the visa. We guide him what will be his next step till he reaches the institute.
Post Departure Services
We don’t stop our service even if a student gets his visa and flies to his destination country. Our offices and agents in different countries avail the following services for the student:
– Airport Pickup – Guide to Institute – Help in commencement and registration to Universities/ colleges
For Our Partners
Student Recruitment!
As part of our commitment to our Foreign partners, we recruit students for them according to their demand. We help partners by many ways:
– Recruitment by using our Promotional activities – Arranging Spot admissions – Arranging Seminars, Education Expo
Collaboration with Local institutes
TMost of the universities in the world are trying to have collaboration with foreign universities. In order to make this easier for our partners for this program we help them to sign MOU with Bangladeshi Educational Institutes.
Successes: Hangzhou Normal University & Eastern University of Bangladesh.
Promotional Activities
- Placing advertisements in the local media (Newspaper, Online news portals & TV)
- Promoting via SMS and online: Bulk email, Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn)
- Setting up interviews for visiting staff (if required)
- Setting up seminars/presentations for visiting staff (if required)
- Setting up visits to local institutions for visiting staff (if required)
- Producing marketing reports / updates on the market
- Provide staff to act as interpreters on any promotional activity (e.g. presentations & Fairs.
We are working in 14 countries
around the world.
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Donec vestibulum justo a diam ultricies pel lentesque. Quisque mattis diam vel lac.
Years Of Experience
We have been working in the education sector since 2014.
No.96, Second Floor, Greeta Tech Park, VSI Industrial Estate, Perungudi, Chennai 96, India.
+91- 6238353934
Kerala Office
Eastern Enclave, Yuvakalatharang road, Elamakkara, Ernakulam, Kerala India - 682026
+91 87145 30696
Dhaka Office
Al Noor Villa, Ground Floor, House: 33, Road: 15, Sector: 11, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
+8801714-664474 +8801713178151
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